a word, a thought, a feeling...

Choosing to be happy

Uncategorized Aug 30, 2020


This was placed on the front door of a healing center in a small town in Brazil.

The ‘cold’ drips down when the body is holding on to its tears.

The sore throat tightens when we cannot communicate our afflictions.
The stomach burns when the anger is not been released.
The diabetes expresses itself when loneliness hurts.

The body gets overweight when dissatisfaction overwhelms. 

Headaches appear when doubts increase.

The heart gives in when the meaning of life is obscure.

Allergies show up when to be perfect becomes intolerable.

The nails break when the self-defenses become threatened.

The chest tightens when we slave self by pride.

Blood pressure heightens when fear imprisons.

Neurosis paralyze when the ‘inner child’ is abused.
Fever burns when the emotional defenses explode the immunity horizons.
Harvesting always comes after planting…
Pay deep attention in what you are planting, since your harvesting is inevitable.

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The Outer & Inner Seas

Uncategorized Aug 27, 2020


The amazing opportunity to dive deep down & in the oceans of planet Earth is such a marvelous gift from life.
Exploring the natural beauty through the diversity of life in forms, shapes, colors, sizes, motions is a delightful gratitude awareness.

Observing the daily flow of the incredible ocean's cohabitants. The beauty of an elegant ray sweeping the sandy bottom, the mischievousness of the angel fishes looking for the best place to shine, the excitement of the puffers while inflating self and get ready to 'fight', ahhhh the lion fish as he poses for a picture on a rope of a king and the speed of a parrot fish  while munching on some interesting corals.

Talking about corals, wow how many colors, shapes, mysteries, surprises they hold and they express. While you find the beauty and the gentle flow of sweet ocean passengers, you also experience the struggles for survival on moment by moment as they chase and get chased, as the surfer fishes take rides on bigger...
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The Flows of our Inner Selves

Uncategorized Aug 22, 2020


As I went through the many 'flows of my own selves' today,  I reconnected with the preciousness of life, as every and each moment just exists in the now !! 
Last night, as I participated in a beautiful 'Fire Walk Ceremony' I received an awesome reminder, the words of Heraclitus: "You can't step into the same river twice".

As the "present" is a slippery little concept,  a snapshot of a moment. ~ Nothing stands still.
For that I share a poem with you.
You may not think the world needs you, but it does.
For you are unique, like no one that has ever come before or will come after.
No one can speak your voice, say your piece, smile your smile or shine your light. 
No one can take your place, for it is yours alone to fill.
If you are not there to shine your light, 
who knows how many travelers will lose their way 
as they try to pass by your empty place in the darkness.
~  Anonymous

Brothers and...
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The Effects of Gratitude on Your State of Mind

Uncategorized Aug 14, 2020


Here are some reflections on what science has to say about gratitude, which has been called the “forgotten factor” in happiness research.
By drs. Blair & Rita Justice

Psychologists Robert Emmons at the University of California at Davis, and Michael McCullough, at the University of Miami, are foremost researchers in field of gratitude. What they have learned so far is that gratitude is good for you, really good for you.

In an experimental comparison, people who kept gratitude journals on a weekly basis exercised more regularly, reported fewer physical symptoms, felt better about their lives as a whole, and were more optimistic about the upcoming week compared to those who recorded hassles or neutral life events (Emmons & McCullough, 2003). It doesn’t end there.

Participants who kept gratitude lists were more likely to have made progress toward important personal goals (academic, interpersonal and health-based). And there’s more. Young adults who...
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What a 'Pressure Washing Experience' taught me about Yoga & Life

Uncategorized Jul 11, 2020


Earlier this past week, I found myself embracing in the 'duty' of giving a 'face lift' to the steps and porch leading to our Yoga Studio through the magic of pressure washing.
Wow... what a precious time I found myself in!

I started 'the job' right after guiding a very precious group of students on our morning 'exploring our bodies yoga flow' needless to say, I was already in a high. Plus happy to be around (and many times enveloped in) all that delicious water in a day when the outdoor temperature was around 89F.
Patiently I began to watch the tired green mold from the long gone winter and last transformed spring move away and disappear through the fierce jets of water leaving behind the happy and bright wood face from underneath it. As the jet kept on uncovering that true wood essence, I observe in myself, how many times I needed a good and committed push to uncover my own self from the many debris I had acquire with time.

The cool thing about this process was that the...
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Uncategorized Jul 06, 2020


"There are parts of ourselves we try to hide because somewhere along the way, we created the idea that we are alone in our flaws"
                                                                                            ~ a beautiful post by Liz Arch 

We flip through magazines and see gorgeous models with perfect bodies, then we look in the mirror and feel less than. The photo above shows much more than I would ever normally feel comfortable displaying, but I share it today with the hope
 that we can stop comparing ourselves to others and start loving ourselves for the
 beautifully flawed masterpieces that we truly are.

A photographer once told me that even the models on magazine covers wish they looked like their own...
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Stable & Flexible

Uncategorized Feb 13, 2019


I would like to share here a perspective I had in nature which I feel will give great insights to you as well. It has served many of my students with whom I passed this on to. I trust your life will be enriched when these insights are applied.

Recently, I was standing underneath a garland of very tall and majestic trees on the core of the winter season. As I looked up onto their bare canopies I noticed the amazing designs they were tracing on the fore front of this midday blue sky. 
As I kept on observing, a strong wind blew by and the tall trees, strong on their own being, performed this incredible dance where flexibility and grace were mesmerizing me.
Can you sense the moment? …I personally can relive it every time I share this.

It was at that moment when I brought back into my awareness two beautiful words which I learned through my studies of the Yoga Sutras, the 2 words are: Sthira & Sukha* , which can be translated as steadiness and ease or on this example...

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