My life's guidance from a Birch Tree

As my attention grows during the Botany class on my first year of college, the teacher tells us the story of how he named his first born.
Betula, a beautiful and healthy girl was born after a challenging pregnancy, when her mom pulled from within self all her inner-resilience resources into birthing naturally her expression of a new beginning.

Once I heard the sounds-vibrations of the name Betula, it stuck to me as a talisman representing strength, especially that type of strength, we as human beings, can harvest from within during times of adversity.

At that particular time, I was not yet aware the significance of the Birch Tree (Betula Tree), in my life and in general.

Slowly, as time passed Birch trees started to show up in my life especially during times of major transitions, so I decided to dive deeper into the overall meaning of the 'Birch - Betula Tree'

* Ecologists refer to birch as a pioneer species. In Celtic mythology, birch is also a tree of beginnings and came to symbolize renewal and purification.
* Birch is sacred to the Maiden Goddess Bridha/Brigid, the bringer of light. They convey fertility, female power and endurance in adversity, especially with regards to overcoming the growing pains of new beginnings. Birch can serve as a symbol of trust, light and energy that help us get through the dark times.
* Birch trees are symbolic of the one who never stops wondering. They remind us of our childlike innocence and our inner resolve to adventure beyond the confines of the ordinary world. This ability sparks the imagination and heralds a time of new beginnings for the body, mind and soul.
* The leaves, bark, and buds of the Birch tree are used to make natural medicine. Birch is used for joint pain, kidney stones, bladder stones, urinary tract infections. As an anti-inflammatory & anti-spasmodic.
* On a spiritual level, birch cleans out negative energies accumulated from the past and present, aligning you more fully with your connection to your spiritual path. On a mental level, Birch fosters mental clarity. And on an emotional level, Birch oil energetically assists in reducing inflamed states of consciousness.
* The smoky, earthy aroma of birch essential oil brings to mind the scent of a smoky campfire, which many people find to be calming and relaxing. And the oil can also be used for its expectorant properties, helping to clear the respiratory tract and support better breathing.
* Birch trees can also be utilized for craftsmanship, as the wood lends itself to being carved into bowls and other tools. The peeled bark has been used for constructing baskets, buckets, storage bins, and canoes. And their antifungal properties of the bark help to prevent pests from infiltrating storage bins.

As you see, it is a multi-versatile tree. 

- I have worked with the Birch essential oils during my many years as an Integrative Massage & Bodywork practitioner.
- Have utilized Birch oil, leaves and branches of the Birch tree to support during the holding of space for my Breathwork Circles and one on one breathwork client session
- I often seat with the Birch Tree as my supporter during my meditations in nature and my 'conversations with Spirit guides'
- I bring the support of Birch for the Sacred Cacao Gatherings I hold the space for, bringing the remembrance of our resilience, our inner resources, our serenity & presence.
- In art, joy, life, and so much more...

Birch Trees have been with me in a variety of countries, from my home in the Appalachian Mountains of East Tennessee, to many of the states I have visited, studied, learned and grew in many ways here in the USA, from my birth home in Brazil to many of my travels through Europe, including my recent trip to West Irland, ... and the list is surely long!

So, I trust you too can find peace, strength, connection, direction, easiness, remembrance, support, health, companionship, guidance, light... through your time with Nature.

She, mama Nature, has incredible and unique ways to support us and remind us of our true nature, the one where oneness and wholeness is branch to branch.

In so much Light, peace and nature.

Check out your opportunity to join us on this 'Nature writing, Yoga and Creativity' special afternoon LIVE at the Land - this August 


Lydie Ometto 

InnerSeaYoga School Creator & Teacher
Re-define Yourself & Life Mentoring
Healing Practitioner
Breathwork Facilitator
Guided Energy Medicine Practitioner
Retreat Facilitator
Published Author
[email protected]



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